Scholarship in Leiden University, Netherlands

Leiden University is a public examination college in Leiden, Netherlands. Established in 1575 by William, Prince of Orange as a compensation to the town of Leiden for its protection against Spanish assaults during the Eighty Years’ War, it is the most seasoned foundation of advanced education in the Netherlands. It offers a Scholarship in Leiden University, Netherlands for international students.


Scholarship in Leiden University, Netherlands

Scholarship in Leiden University, Netherlands:

The Scholarship in Leiden University Program is available to extraordinary Non-EU/EEA understudies taking a crack at a full-time graduate degree program at Leiden University.


Leiden University, The Netherlands.

Level of study:

All Masters programs (except for ordinary LLM (non-progressed) programs) in the accompanying Faculties: Archeology, Humanities, Medicine/LUMC, Governance and Global Affairs, Law, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Science, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON), African Studies Center, International Institute for Asian Studies

Number of Awards:

The number and sort of grant of the grant relies upon the financial plan accessible for every Faculty division.

Grant term:

The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship program has 3 honors:

• € 10.000 of the educational expense

• € 15.000 of the educational expense

• Total educational expense short the legal educational expense

Eligible nationality:

Non-EU/EEA worldwide understudies.


Understudies probably accomplished superb examination brings about their past training, this being pertinent to the Master’s program for which they are applying. As a sign, the understudy is among the top 10% of graduates in his/her past examination program.

Note: confirmation of positioning isn’t needed – this data is absolutely to show the degree of seriousness.

Candidates must have a non EEA* visa and may not be qualified for help under the Dutch arrangement of study awards and credits .

Application guidelines:

You should initially apply online for admissions to a Master’s program at Leiden University. In your application, you should show obviously that you might want to apply for the LExS grant and transfer your letter of inspiration for the LExS grant on the grant page.

It is necessary to visit the official site to get to the online application structure and for details information on the best way to apply for this grant.


 1 Feb/1 Oct (annual)
Study in:  Netherlands
Next course starts Sept 2020/Feb 2021


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