Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships 2021

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships 2021 is at present open. In this article we will clarify in insight concerning Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation Scholarship, its advantages and bit by bit application measure. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung makes accessible scholarship to the two Germans and abroad worldwide students who wish to embrace Bachelors, Masters or PhD concentrates in German university and technical college.

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships 2021

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships 2021:

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation Scholarship 2021 is a fully funded scholarship.

Host Institution(s):

German universities and technical colleges

Number of Scholarships:

Up to 40 scholarships per year

Level of study:

Bachelors, Masters or PhD degrees in any subject, except for those mentioned at this link.

Eligible Nationality:

Worldwide students from everywhere the world. The Foundation especially bolsters students with restricted monetary chances or who originate from families with a movement foundation.


  • outstanding school or academic merit (where required: first graded proofs of academic achievement)
  • social and political involvement and commitment to the values of social democracy
  • responsible, motivated, reliable individuals willing to get involved with the Foundation’s network
  • sufficient knowledge of German, although the courses are held in English.

Candidates for essential Bachelors and Masters qualification courses must have the accompanying:

  • •Confirmation of study spot or declaration of enlistment at a state or state-perceived German college or specialized school for the course for which they need to be financed
  • • Foreign candidates should likewise show adequate German language abilities
  • • First-year understudies (Germans and unfamiliar understudies with training) must apply previously or toward the start of the principal semester.

PhD subsidizing candidates must have:

  • • Unconditional warning of admission to the doctoral grant
  • • Foreign candidates should likewise exhibit adequate German language abilities

Application procedure:

You should top off the online application structure. On the off chance that you are qualified for a scholarship, the Foundation will demand extra archives from you by email.

It is important to visit the official website to get detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

Deadline: 30 Nov 2020/31 May 2021 (Annual)

Official website: Click Here

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