Scholarship in University of Lausanne, Switzerland

The University of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland was established in 1537 as a school of theology, before being made a university in 1890. As of fall 2017, around 15,000 understudies and 3,300 representatives study and work at the college. Scholarship in University of Lausanne, Switzerland offers the UNIL Master’s Grants on a serious premise to global understudies.

Scholarship in University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Scholarship in University of Lausanne, Switzerland:

The University of Lausanne in Switzerland offers the UNIL Master’s Scholarship on a serious premise to global students who wish to seek after a Masters Degree at the University.

Target gathering:

All over the worlds students

Number of Scholarships:

Around 10

Level of study:

All Master’s programme from among those offered by the UNILexcept the following

  • •  Master from the School of Medicine
  • •  Master of Education
  • •  Master of Law from the Universities of Zurich and Lausanne
  • •  Master of criminal Law, magistracy specialism
  • • Master of Science in Physical Education and Sports Didactics
  • • Master of Science in Health sciences
  • •  All MASs (PhD programmes)

Note: For the Master of Law, just two specializations – “worldwide and similar law” and “legitimate hypothesis” are available to applications for Masters grants.

Scholarship esteem/length:

The Scholarship  is allowed for the base legal time of the program picked by the students. It adds up to CHF 1,600 every month from 15 September to 15 July (or 10 months per year) for the total length of the masters (one and a half years or two years relying upon the chosen masters), except for instances of conclusive disappointment after the principal year.

Students offered a grant will be excluded from the fixed enlistment expenses for the courses, except for the CHF 80.00 charges to be paid every semester.


• To have acquired an unfamiliar college degree considered equal to a lone wolf at UNIL before the start of the bosses program at UNIL.

• To have separated yourself during your investigations, particularly through especially splendid scholastic outcomes.

• To have a language level of in any event B2 (as indicated by the European Language Portfolio worldwide scale) in French or English as per the language wherein your picked experts is instructed.

• Not to have been enrolled with UNIL previously.

• To have paid the CHF 200.00 organization expense (see archive, “rundown of reports to append to your application”).

Application instructions:

You must not make an application for admission to the masters degree via the Admissions Department (SII).Candidates must send their completed application (refer to the document, “list of documents to attach to your application”), unbound, by post at the university’s address.

The deadline for applications is 1 November to start an experts degree during the accompanying scholarly year, in the fall semester or the spring semester if the program permits. The stamp will authenticate the date sent.

It is important to peruse the UNIL Master’s Grants FAQs and visit the official site (connect found underneath) to get to the application structure and for detail information on the most proficient method to apply for this scholarship.

Application Deadline:1 Nov 2020 (annual)

Course starts September 2021


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